Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Crooks Are Pervasive From Banking to Bailout-Commentary
From the recent banking quarterly reports to the front page of the NYT/Business, the article “Bank Profits Appear Out of Thin Air”. The banking and investment house crooks are still gaming John Q. Public.
The article refers to Bank of America’s fraudulent earnings scheme of booking a $2.2 billion gain that falsely increases value of the Merrill Lynch’s assets recently acquired. BofA decided to give themselves a phony profit bump by raising the value of Merrill assets to prices significantly higher than Merrill kept them.
But it wasn’t only the banksters at BofA pulling this nonsense; All the cool kids were doing it:
• Goldman Sachs and the disappearing month of December
• JPMorgan’s profit was due to repricing the value of its falling bonds
• Citigroup also used the bond trick.
Barry Ritholtz http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/ comments, “Instead of receivership and liquidation, we rewarded these cretins with your grandchildren’s lunch money. It is idiocy on a grand scale, beyond my feeble imagination."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Home Sweet Home
But I'm content here with my cornbread and chili, shrimp and grits, and Hungarian goulash. Now I'm making myself hungry again.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Schwarzenegger and the California Budget-Commentary
After the wonderful Governor Schwarzenegger fell into bed with that bunch of spendthrift California legislators and thought they were going to tax me to cover that $42 billion worth of profligate spending making it the highest taxing state in the union, I said the hell with that – I’m outta here.
John and Ken at radio KFI have covered this much better than I and you can even hear their on-air rants here: http://www.kfiam640.com/pages/johnandkenshow/
If you’re a Californian, don’t put up with your representation – they’re mostly crooks!
Notable Quote: "It is said that married men live longer ….In fact, it only seems that way."
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Best Kiteboarding On The Island
Saturday, April 18, 2009
From Outside Peering In-Commentary
The “stress tests’ for banks are as bogus as their implementation. Do you really think that the 10 examiners assigned are sufficiently adequate to dig into the complex world wide CDS’s that Citi owns? Ha ha ha.
The Financial times reports that rising unemployment has been at a rate to invalidate the tests even under the Treasury’s “adverse scenario” model. Now they are going to interpret the results more stringently. The Treasury has declined to comment. Dr. Nouriel Roubini, chairman of RGE Monitor observes “The stress test results are meaningless as actual data are already running worse than the worst case scenario.”