Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Giving Up Hope on Federal Fiscal Responsibility - Commentary

There is a current analogy to my view that 'any efforts to rectify the inconsiderate California drivers would be pointless.'
And that is 'the Federal governments collusion with big banking is close on the heels of California finances that have gone in the toilet' – paraphrasing:
"Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter (Reside) Here"
Stress Tests Are Over. The Stress Isn’t.
With almost 40 pages of charts, graphs and scenarios, the program was a “deliberately stringent test,” its authors said. Clearly, the message they want to send is that the banking mess we have endured for the last two years is finally becoming manageable. We'll see

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to All "My" Mothers

I would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to my three generations of mothers where ever they may be. Ihpe your special day makes up for the other 364 ha ha ha.