Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toys At My Brother's

Heh, heh, heh, I get to ride a motorcycle while I'm visiting! And there is no room for sidecar riders unless they scrunch up as that is where all the beer is!! 

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Time to Start Packing

The rainy seasson has arrived and after three months of total inactivity it's time for me to go install Aleta's sewer hookup + her list of other stuff after I get back from my HS reunion. And oh by the way....pester two grandkids who I hope missed me as much as I missed them!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This Guy Is Pissed (his words)

"I'm from the government and I'm here to help you"

This particular small incident (BP) in the total panoply of destruction to our economy comes in the form of oil headed for the coasts and some of the most beautiful beaches in the United States, not to mention important fish hatcheries and habitat.

The other parts came in other places. A destroyed housing market, two financial bubbles in a row in 10 years time, eight million Americans out of work, 20+ million illegal invaders in this nation that our government refuses to expel (or, for that matter, let the states expel), backdating deposits at banks, bogus balance sheets, hinky derivative deals, bribed state and local officials in our cities and states, an actual honest-to-god Depression that is being "evaded" by borrowing trillions from the Chinese (who are then driving their people so hard they kill themselves out of desperation) and much more.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Geithner Is Our Casey Jones

And Obama is the the conductor! Geithner says spend, spend, spend, and President Obama wants another $50 Billion because his 'Spendulous' is running out of steam???  Our debt is 87% of our entire Gross Domestic Product!  And that does not even count the $145 BILLION that Fannie and Freddie are in hock for.  They are all hoping that housing prices are going up -yeah right!

What ever happened to the jobs thing?  Unemployed people do not pay taxes, they consume them.  I WAS a rocket scientist...with stuff on the shuttle, and I can tell you this is NOT rocket science.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Aftermath Musings

The federal government has launched a criminal probe into the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. All well and good. But it invariably begs the question as to why, some three years after the start of the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, there have been ZERO criminal investigations launched by Justice against Wall Street. The contrast is striking.