So what is so difficult to understand about “you cannot have any more money”?
DC has overspent for years and that means everyone. Now we finally have some congresspeople with principles who cannot be corrupted by the “good ol’ boys” there. Do you REALLY trust Congress…look what they did to Gramm-Rudman – declared an emergency and overrode it. Ten years of cuts???? That’s two elections! The rating agencies, Moody’s etc set the downgrade threshold and the proposals are missing that by 25%.
Default is not a necessity, there is enough daily income to cover the nation’s debt interest, Social Security, and military pay. Default is a SCARE TACTIC by the administration.
*********** You cannot have any more taxes ************
Dateline: 7 PM Sunday- A budget 'framework' has been agreed on.
I hate Washington speak - these budget cuts still allow an 8% raise when the GDP is growing 1.3%! It's still spending more than comes in.