Monday, October 28, 2013

Gone South

      Governor "moonbeam" Jerry Brown and his merry band of idiots up in Sacramento can kiss my lily white backside - I refuse to pay 10%+ in income tax on my retirement. Bottom line, there's no value for the money. I have flown the coop to Florida and I've already moved my company out of the state. Color me GONE!

So in the meantime my cousin had some fun occupational things for me to do. So now I'm a bona fide Southerner!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life on the Mississippi

So I decided to visit my brother before the snow got too deep. And besides, fall is quite pretty up north and he has a few projects for me to work on. I was able to install a new kitchen faucet and valves because the old one leaked under the sink. If I'm going to do the cooking, I'm not running into the other room for water!
After a week or so I received a call requesting me to go to central Wisconsin to witness a factory acceptance test for two Motor Control Centers for a offshore platform - after retrofitting communication hardware for 3 days, we finally got to test the equipment so the 2 days turned into 5 days.....oh well. That's when I got to come back and finish repairing the drive wheels on the Toro lawnmower. Well, it's time to go to Florida now.