Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What Is Everyone Else Thinking - or are they?

I Think We Have A Problem Houston (Washington)

  • The Administrations IRS cannot find 6 months of emails
  • Benghazi Murders Have Not Been Caught
  • Al Qaeda Are Bigger and Stronger
  • Obamacare Will Not Save $2500 But Instead Costs
  • A 2.3% DROP In The First Quarter GDP - the economy is NOT improving
  • Fast & Furious Gun Running
  • The Attorney General Does Not Investigate Potential Crimes
So how long are you the people going to ignore this. Or are you happy with what this has become?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dateline: My BRFS

Bunker Refuge From Stupidity
In his new book, “Blood Feud,” journalist Edward Klein gets inside the dysfunctional, jealous relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama. Here, he explains what happened the night of the Benghazi attack.
     By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.
She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.
She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run

My New Bunker of Refuge From Stupidity (RBFS)

     So since nobody is listening or willing/able to do anything about the current social-economic circumstances, I will work n my own projects. The Lord knows I have enough of those. I have fixed the intake manifold leak on the Cherokee - after 5500 miles on a new motor I built, the bolts had slacked off and needed re-torquing.
     My 8 year old laptop I use only for internet radio ran like a quadriplegic so I found a replacement on Ebay. It works so well that for the $130 price I bought my granddaughter one too, She is aceing her schoolwork and her swimming so it's motivational.

   My friends of 45 years of riding together from Redondo Beach are gathering for the 20th annual Fat's Run to Kern River. I met Willie John at the Magic Mountain Denny's and spent a great weekend with everyone. Marc went home via 395 where he went north and I went south.

   I got the stripped shift lever repaired on my Heritage and a new battery for the Knucklehead. It runs now that I've adjusted the carb but the rear cylinder smokes bad. I've pulled the head to check and repair the oversize valve guides.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

In - Transit

My Life Seems Like a Perpetual Transition

     I sometimes cannot tell if I'm going somewhere and am on my way, or if I'm returning and I'm on my way back. I guess if you've already been somewhere, then you can be coming back. Well, I'm on my way back to California although I'm not a resident anymore. It's just that my junk is still there - I guess because I don't have to go into the snow or rain to work on it. adding a Ha Ha. I've gone through Pennsylvania courtesy of Aleta and the kids picking me up at IAD in D.C. I stopped through Minnesota to see how things were going there and help where I could. Then it's on to SoCal.
     I feel particularly un-motivated but I DO know what causes my malaise! I don't know what to start first. And I don't know if what I'm doing is going to make any difference. Not EVER to others, I got over that years ago. I think I have it figured out though, I enjoy building/making/creating things. That's why I enjoyed this last trip to Africa - I got Nadia's help to build a new system that works automatically.
The hardest thing I have to do is realize there is nobody listening

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Back to Nigeria (the last time)

     Here I  again, marching orders for Nigeria again. Chevron has another 27 mile pipeline at the SCC pipe mill in Abuja. The first time I went because I'd never been, thtecte 2nd time was because of the grilled giant prawns. This time I want to see my friends that work at the mill for SCC. Our commute is a 14 passenger van escorted by two 4-man pickups armed with AK-47's, one front and one rear. But they cannot protect from rampant stupidity.
     The low-boy hauling this crushed a drainage culvert, tipping over the truck and dumping this in a ditch. The culvert wasn't buried enough - it was too much work to dig more!

     Even at the plant, the 12 hour night shift quits working about 3 am so they can sleep until 6 am.

     The hotel manager characterizes the national mentality with "every day is a new day". This is meaning one must retrain every local employee at the start of each day. The expats are all "normal".

   So we work two 12 hour shifts six days a week. There is no point to go anywhere as there is nothing to see here in the capital city of Abuja. There are no stop signs and the lights are always green for the major street. Since I've been working at SCC, they have never had a operational product tracking system. I have worked with the smartest, sweetest girl from South Africa - all the management is from South Africa.

   Both Nadia's fiance' and uncle work at the pipe mill. They were nice enough to invite us to their annual company party and we lasted until midnight.

    With this being my third trip here, my system has to get re-acclimated to the local food and cooking - But at least I know what to avoid to not get amoebic dysentery. We have had two people that required heavy-duty antibiotic shots to get cured.

     It boggles my mind what kinds of diseases Stanley had to contend with in the Congo. I am certain now that this is my last trip here. It has screwed up my spring in St. Lucia for 3 years now - enough is enough!