Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lack of Enforcement by The Chief Executive

President Obama: "That is why I feel so strongly that we need to enact a set of updated, commonsense rules to ensure accountability on Wall Street and to protect consumers in our financial system."

You are not enforcing existing laws and have allowed others to be recinded, Mr. President!
Why is not the Attorney General prosecuting bankers, mortgage lenders, appraisers and Real Estate agents where felonious conduct has taken place? Investment houses, auto manufacturers, and a whole host of hangers-on received 1.5 trillion taxpayer dollars because exisitng laws have not been enforced. The repeal of Glass-Steagall undermined a fifty year old safe system and Hank Paulson expedited the removal of the 14:1 leverage rule when he moved from Goldman-Sachs to Treasury. Those of you who elected the last three Presidents and their henchmen, Rubin, Paulson, Holder, and their entourages are just getting what you deserve. You are no different than AIG with your oversized house, oversized SUV, and oversized credit cards.

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