Monday, March 29, 2010

No Financial "material" Impact - Ha Ha Ha

I know, Obama has said that there would be no "material" impact to finances until 2014.

Truth: Caterpillar and John Deere already announced non-cash charges of $100 and $150 million, respectively, for this year based upon the impact of this bill on forward retiree health care costs.
But today a 100-kiloton device landed on AT&T's (NYSE: T) balance sheet - they announced a one billion dollar non-cash charge.

Now tell me you think that these companies are going to pay this out of the kindness of their hearts and their own pockets and to hell with the shareholders??? Or are they going to pass this along as higher consumer costs?

Yes, you are going to have your healthcare but you cost-of-living is accompanied by a giant flushing sound.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I Really DO Work......Occasionally

This is the pipe yard looking out to San Jacinto Mountain.

I am still getting in my 2 or 3 days a week, now as a consultant to Aleta's company. It's weird having my daughter for a boss. I just sent 6 packages to my accountant for all the family and their business's. And I'm wrapping up a whole bunch of other details so I can leave for St. Lucia in 2 weeks for 4 months. The mining company has been 're-aligned' to a family business under Cole's guidance. I'm free at last, free at last!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Family Visit 2010

Aleta with Ella and Philip came to SoCal for a two week visit. I think that uncle Cole was outmatched by the mini-Jedi. Great fun was had by all including me with continuous fun and mayhem at the Orchard House interspersed by four count 'em 4 visits to Disneyland.