Monday, May 31, 2010

OK, OK, I Agree With An Oil Drilling Moratorium

So I have finally come around to agree that all the eco-nuts from California enviromentalists to Philippe Cousteau, including 'peak oil' people are right. We need dramatic legislation that will:
  • End all offshore drilling & exploration.
  • Forbid any refining of non-American crude in American continental refineries.
  • Forbid the importation of foreign refined products including byproducts like plastics.
This will mandate reliance on the myriad of 'Green' technologies that are our collective salvation. This will also expedite the development Chinese and Indian infrastructure reliant on petrochemicals.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Honoring the Nations Rule of Law, our National Guard, and the integrity of Arizona's government.

Friday, May 28, 2010

And On A Lighter Side...Fresh Conch

I am going all out for dinner tonight. Conch ceviche for appetizers followed by big slabs, tenderized, and pan fried  in butter.
I drove my neighbor to the fish market for some freshly butchered Bigeye Tuna aka ahi. That's next for the menu

NYMag - Heileman: "Wall Street executives are a bunch of raving lunatics"

“Today, it’s hard to find anyone on Wall Street who doesn’t speak of Obama as if he were an unholy hybrid of Bernie Sanders and Eldridge Cleaver. One night not long ago, over dinner with ten executives in the finance industry, I heard the president described as ‘hostile to business,’ ‘anti-wealth,’ and ‘anti-capitalism’; as a ‘redistributionist,’ a ‘vilifier,’ and a ‘thug.’"

And more insights as to why Wall Street AND gummint are ALL a bunch of crooks.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rachel Maddow is a Provocateur

The Constitution provides for equal opportunity under the law. I completely agree with this.

Maddow in her interview with Rand Paul she asks if he favors businessmen discriminating "...on the basis of a characteristic that they didn't like as a private business owner."  She alludes to race in a race-baiting manner when in fact one could consider Starbucks Coffee is discriminating against tea drinkers or juice bar patrons.

Merriam-Webster defines discriminating as the ability to perceive peculiar features.

If you choose to not discriminate I do not think I wish to know you much less consider you a friend. If you choose to not exercise your ability to tell the difference between good and evil, good workmanship versus bad, or any other host of daily decisions that make you a competent judge of life around you, then you are a waste of humanity.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Federal Government Is Not Enforcing Our Immigration Laws

And that is what fosters vigilanteeism:

Gheen of ALPAC: "Over the last couple days, Obama and the chief of ICE have refused to honor their oaths of office," he said. "Their constitutional requirement is to enforce existing laws".

Gheen said the 17 states where some form of immigration crackdown is under development include Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Utah.

For an Article by Article reference to Mexico's tough immigration laws worth emulating, visit here:

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Morning Sea Breezes

The morning breezes have been real brisk from the storms off Barbados. They don't even let up at night and any mosquitoes that get caught out get blown through the screens. In the morning there are all these dead  wingless bugs on the floor and wings in the screens.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Great Sunrises Here

I love this east side of the island.  Anyone can see a sunset. Since I have to get my tile work done and I like my bottle of Piton by about 2 pm when it's 85 degrees +, I start when it's light. After my coffee that is.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And You Thought TSA Was Bad????

  • He couldn't make a bomb right in the first place??
The SUV was rigged with a homemade gasoline-and-propane bomb that didn't go off on Saturday night.
Each of the 36 M88 fireworks bought by the suspect, Faisal Shahzad, at the Matamoras showroom near the New York border has pyrotechnic powder equal in size to less than a sixth of an aspirin, according to officials.

  • Law enforcement couldn't follow him??
They initially planned to arrest him at his Connecticut home but lost track of him, two people familiar with the probe told the AP.

  • Airport security was going to let him leave??
Emirates airlines also didn't initially notice when Shahzad purchased a ticket that he had been placed on the government's no-fly list, according to a law enforcement official.