Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Atlas Shrugged part II coming

Taxes or Tithings

So we have the "Buffet Rule" where his capital gains taxes are lower than employee's income taxes. These complainers are comparing apples and pomgranates - de ain't the same!
And the redistribution artists want to tax the top 10% more.... ostensibly to make up for the bottom 47% not paying ANY taxes - WHAT?
Why should 47% of the nation's population not pay taxes? We are all in this 30 year loss of GDP abuse together.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Is Anyone Listening??? - oh you don't care?

  • The stock market is dumping and if your working the Fed printing has "stolen" 12% of your wages.
  • Spain has overtaken Greece in a catastrophic slide into economic oblivion - Europe and China are soon to follow. Can America be far behind....REAL unemployment is 22.5%! How is YOUR job?
  • There is a lot more but for fear of becoming "lost in the weeds", but you're going to have to look for yourself.
  • In the meantime I'll start rooting for Obama - I've become tired of waiting for the debacle of Europe to blow up. Obama's policies (or lack thereof) will hasten what will happen here. Duck and cover!